Please use this page to search for a venue, but please also take a few moments to add your own favourite places to visit from around the UK on the Venue Input page.
You can search by location and, if you wish, further filter by venue type – but only filter by one venue type at a time. You can also select many activities and facilities to further refine your search. More details about the venues can be viewed by clicking on the marker where a link to the venue web page can also be found. Happy hunting!
Having problems? Click here for tips on using this search tool.
Tips on using this search tool (return to top of page):
– Landscape works best for many mobile phones.
– To view the filter selection boxes first click the category button (highlighted below). To hide the filters entirely from the map, once you have made your selections, click the category button again.

– Within each of the parent categories (Venue Type, Activity and Facilities) there are many child categories (e.g. CafĂ©/Snacks) that can be selected to filter the results. Select one parent category box at a time in order to choose the child categories underneath. De-select the parent category before moving on to the next parent category.
– Please only filter by one Venue Type at any one time. The filters work on an ‘AND’ basis and each Venue has only one Venue Type attribute but may have many Activities and Facilities. Therefore, filtering by more than one Venue Type will return no results.